Let’s Talk IoT Devices: From Prototype to Production with the Blues Notecard for Soracom

Cut your IoT development time in half while slashing costs: Discover how industry leaders are redefining smart device connectivity. Join us for an eye-opening webinar featuring Dora Terjek, IoT Device Product Manager at Soracom, and Alistair Fulton, COO & VP at Blues. Learn how these two innovative companies are reshaping the IoT landscape by solving critical device connectivity and cloud integration challenges.

Join us on September 18th, 2024 to:

✅ Simplify IoT Hardware Design: Discover how to drastically reduce development time and costs.

 Avoid Costly Mistakes: Learn how to make the right connectivity choices and sidestep the hidden expenses of in-house IoT development.

 Low-Power, Data-Efficient Solutions: Explore technologies that simplify product development and extend battery life.

 Scale Globally with Ease: Leverage Soracom’s multi-carrier connectivity and Blues’ wireless cloud data pump to seamlessly deploy your IoT solution worldwide.

 Real-World Use Cases: Get inspired by successful IoT implementations across a range of industries, including environmental monitoring, energy management, AgTech, EV charging, healthcare, micromobility, and refrigeration.

Our interactive Q&A session will allow you to engage directly with our experts, ensuring you get your most pressing questions answered in real-time.

This webinar is a must-attend for anyone looking to streamline the development and deployment of IoT products. Register now to secure your spot!

Can’t join us on the day? Register anyway, and we’ll send you the recording afterwards.

More great resources for IoT devs